Nothing says fresh better than a salad. You are in control here with your selections, much like your cereal options you have to stay within a few guidelines to make this a proper choice.
• 25grams of protein woman which is 4 ounces on the scale
or 35grams of protein for men which is 6 ounces on the scale
• Unlimited greens
• All other veggies can be used however your salad can't exceed 450 calories.
• 100 calories of nuts, olives, avocado or oil for healthy fat
• Use whatever dressing you would like however sodium and sugar is your nemesis. Watch your boundaries here!
Protein options: Any meat, fish, egg, tofu, bean, yogurt, cottage cheese.
Salad dressings: Light dressings are great is you watch those sugars. Olive oil, lemon, vinegars or homemade dressings are your best bet!